Dr. Sanjay Salooja
New Delhi

Dr. Sanjay Salooja is a prominent, sought-after CEO Coach, Author, Speaker, and a Board-Advisor. Sanjay holds a doctorate in Building Optimism in Indians. He is a thought leader in the area of behavioural change that impacts performance and leadership effectiveness and has helped over 200000 leaders in one on onesetting to modify or acquire leadership behaviours that helps them deliver on their goals.
Dr. Salooja’s work within the field of coaching has helped organizations and leaders to translate strategy into effective performance and to track performance changes against important business outcomes. His experience spans industries like BFSI (Banking, Finance & Insurance), Telecom, IT, Public Sector, Pharma & FMCG, Steel & Power, Aviation, Oil & Gas, Telecom, Automobile, Automation Technology, BPO, and many others.